Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Have had a couple lapses: ate some gellato in Cairns the other day, didn't feel any different, and had to stray a bit from the main site crossfit WODs when traveling. It was a good opportunity to make up some of my own WODs, such as 50 ring pull ups, 100 push ups and 50 pistols (that was a good one!).
In terms of diet, my body fat has gotten steadily lower, although I feel it has evened out around 11% or so. My performance gains are still coming, although I may have to keep closer track of my diet in order to continue making positive gains.
I am considering combining the primal diet, which focuses on quality, with the Zone, which closely monitors quantities and macro nutrient ratios. Still not sure whether I need to be such a stickler, though, as I feel fine and am probably in the best shape of my life right now.
We made some paleo baked goodies the other day:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ryan (scaled)

I did five rounds of this in 28 minutes 30 seconds the other day:

I had to scale, replacing each muscle up with one jumping muscle up and one L pull up. I will get the muscle ups soon!

Beyond the Whiteboard

I am keeping track of my crossfit workouts and progress using BTWB: You can view my pofile here:
I have found this to be a really useful tool, especially as I can rank against other crossfitters worldwide and keep track of my average power output as well as all my PRs!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sept Update

Have been completely Paleo/Primal for nearly a month, and am feeling great! My average power output has increased, as have my running times, with a noticeable decrease in body fat.
See my stats here.

I have kept up with the oil pulling, and at my last dental cleaning the hygienist said my periodontal condition had not progressed. This is good news, although I hope to see more improvements in the future. I have noticed that pulling with coconut oil tends to have a better effect on my gums than sesame.

I am considering re-introducing butter into my diet, as long as it is organically produced, and will update on whether I notice any changes.